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Past events - 2014 --->2003



December 17: Ina Warren created Pollinator Giving Tree display at Transylvania County Library for Monarch Mentors -

Photos posted here:


November 3 (Monday) : Ina Warren organized community service project for Brevard College Conservation Biology Class - planting Monarch Waystation milkweeds at the Cradle of Forestry


November 17 (Monday):  Ina Warren -lecture @ Brevard College Conservation Biology, 10am-Noon.


October 23 :  Ina Warren participated in the NC Community Garden Conference UNCA; monarch biology display, seed giveaway and Polinator Giving Tree on display (which raised great interest!)


October 1-3 :  Ina Warren participated in the National Conservation Training Center Monarch High-Level Federal Agency Strategy/Planning Meeting, Shepherdstown, WV.  Photo.


Septemer 21 (Sunday) : Ina Warren presented "Make Way for Monarchs" at USFS Visitor Ctr Cradle of Forestry in America. 2-5pm


Septemer 18 (Thursday, 7-9 pm) : Ina Warren presented "Bring Back the Monarchs" at the Black Mountain Center for the Arts "Opening Night Gala" of the monarch artwork month


August 4 - Ina Warren and Nina Veteto presented an all-day monarch butterfly and phenology workshop to teachers at the Nantahala Outdoor Center (and Nantahala Village) in conjunction with Julie Judkins and John Odell at the Appalachian Trail Conservancy in Asheville, NC


July 7 (Monday) - Ina Warren presented 6 programs to the Pisgah Girl Scout Council in conjunction with the Dar Williams/Xerces Pollinator Awareness concert program; Phyllis Stiles complemented the talks with discussions on honeybees and native bees at this event at Camp Pisgah


June 17 (Thursday) :  Ina Warren, Nina Veteto and Joyce Pearsall and Phyllis Stiles attended BEE CITY USA's premier of WINGS OF LIFE at the Fine Arts Theater in Asheville as part of Pollinator Week; participated on the Q & A Pollinator panel following film. 


May 6 (Tuesday):  Ina Warren, Nina Veteto and Joyce Pearsall attended Cradle of Forestry's "SCHENCK YOU" event; formed plans & networked with agency stakeholders for annual programs. 


April 26-27 (Sat-Sun)  Ina Warren attended meetings in Washington, DC; viewed the IMAX "Flight of the Butterflies" at the Smithsonian Institution; toured the new White House Pollinator Garden.


April 19 (Sunday)  Ina Warren presented "Make Way for Monarchs" at the USFS Visitor Center at the Cradle of Forestry. Joyce Pearsall led a guided walk to the Volunteers' Waystation. 2-5pm


April 14:  Ina Warren and Joyce Pearsall staffed the Education tent for Brevard College's all-day Eaarthfest with live monarchs, larvae, & 400 packets of milkweed seed for Make Way for Monarchs. 


April 13-14-15: As Co-facilitator, Ina Warren coordinated press for several groups for the national Day of Action and Contemplation for


March 23 (Sunday): YouTube uploaded for "This Little Yard of Mine" jazzy 5 minute monarch conservation video


March 22 (Saturday):  Ina Warren and Joyce Pearsall staffed a monarch conservation booth at Joyce's table for Extension Master Gardener Volunteers at the Transylvania Community Library. One of the event's keynote speakers was Chad Campbell of Appalachian Ecologic who gave a terrific presentation on compost tea! ( )


March 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (M-F):  Monarch Mentors Ina Warren and Joyce Pearsall sponsored 5 days of community service projects at USFS locations for Brevard College's Conservation Biology Labs. Three new Waystations: Davidson Rvr Campground, Sycamore Flats Picnic & Pisgah Ranger Station.  


March 7 (Saturday):  Ina Warren and Nina Veteto attended The Xerces Society's all-day Pollinator Workshop at UNC-Asheville, along with Kim Bailey & Phyllis Stiles.


February 26, 27, 28:  Ina Warren attended meetings with Dr Gary Nabhan, in a leadership meeting of "Make Way for Monarchs" in Washington DC at US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Dr Nabhan gave a lecture at Univ. of Maryland with Dr David Inouye and also a lecture at Brookside Gardens in MD for their high-profile Climate Change day-long conference. We also toured the Rachel Carson Landmark Home in Silver Springs, MD.


February 25 (Tuesday): Ina Warren, Nina Veteto, Joyce Pearsall & Jessica Metz-Bugg participated in a combination event involving a milkweed seed blessing / lecture / garden planting at the Cherokee Middle School on the grounds of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indian in Cherokee, NC. 


January: Ina Warren successfully wrote a $1K grant for Cradle of Forestry IA for Waystation plants and "Waystation Walkabout" brochures.




Community Programs by Joyce Pearsall - 2014:


March 5: TC Henderson School slide show/questions
March 9:  Monarch talk at Unity Church
March 12: Morning talk to Brevard College students (workhike rain delayed)

March 12: Brevard Davidson River Church monarch talk (evening)

March 22: Extension Master Gardener Volunteers (EMGV) monarch display at

             all day conference at Transylvania Library. Featured speaker:

             Chad Campbell of Appalachian Ecologic in Roanoke, VA
March 29: Shared window display with Forever Farm at WSQL for April

April 14: Assisted with all day display for Brevard College Eaarth Day Festival

April 19: Display set up at Cradle of Forestry for monarch program

April 26: Earth Day shared booth with EMGV for "Butterflies in your Garden"

May 13: EMGV presentation at their monthly meeting
May 17: Presentation at New Leaf Garden Market
May 24:  Monarch booth with EMGV 

June 19: Helped with a monarch info table at Fine Arts
June 21: Booth at Bug Day at the Cradle
June 27: Presentation and mock migration with students at Rise and Shine
Aug 30: Assisted with window set up at WSQL for the month of September
Oct 1: Presentation, then tagging wild monarchs at Gorges State Park
Oct 2: Set up display with live monarchs Pisgah Elementary School
Oct 30: Assisted with monarch presentation at Cradle of Forestry,

             then led tour of the Waystation

Nov 6: Morning--talk with librarians from Haywood Co. Library in Brevard
Nov 6: Afternoon--talk at a garden club in Tryon




October-December: Ina Warren served as a Mentor to a Rosman High School student studying monarchs as Senior project


October 5-6: Nina Veteto and Ina Warren complete a two day back-roads marathon milkweed seed pod gathering trip in WNC and south western VA


August 20:  Ina Warren presented the one-hour "Bring Back the Monarchs" for the Transylvania County Library Bag-Lunch Series; Joyce Pearsall presented a full table display with live monarchs


July 29, 30, 31, August 1, 2:  Ina Warren attended the Climate Reality Project's Training session as a Mentor to new Climate Reality leaders; held in Chicago.  Met with US Forest Service's International Programs staffer Mike Rizo and a contingent of monarch /climate enthusiasts from Mexico, Juan Antonio Mondragon & directors from Thomas Jefferson Institute in Mexico City.

(Update:  New video released Dec 24 2014 !


July 22-25: Ina Warren attended the UMN's North American Monarch Institute (NAMI) in Washington, DC (@St. Colettas School); assisted in training educators for monarch conservation. 


June 25: Ina Warren and Joyce Pearsall, as Monarch Watch Conservation Specialists, attended the White House program at EEOB honoring the work of Dr Karen Oberhauser, UMN and the subsequent reception at OYAMEL.


June 19-20: Ina Warren, Nina Veteto, and Joyce Pearsall attended the MONARCH TEACHER NETWORK two day teacher training at Pisgah Girl Scout Headquarters/UNCA Botanical Gardens. 


June 17: Ina Warren staffed an all-day monarch education display at UNCA for Pollinator Week sponsored by BEE CITY USA & Phyllis Stiles.  Dr Doug Tallamy was keynote speaker at event.  




November 19, 2012:  Ina Warren attended the's DO THE MATH at Duke University with Mary McLaughlin;

viewed FLIGHT OF THE BUTTERFLIES at Raleigh's IMAX theater. 


Septemer 22 (Sunday, 2-5pm)  Ina Warren presented "Bring Back the Monarchs" at the USFS Visitor Center at the Cradle of Forestry. Joyce Pearsall led a guided walk to the Volunteers' Waystation.


August 20, 21, 22, 23, 24:  Ina Warren attended the Climate Reality Project's Training session as a Mentor to new CR leaders; held in San Francisco, CA.


July 20, 2012 (Saturday)  Nina Veteto presented "Bring Back the Monarchs" to the Biennial Conference of the Appalachian Trail Conference at WCU-Cullowhee, NC


June 20, 21, 22, 23: Ina Warren attended the International Monarch Butterfly Conservation and Biology Conference in St. Paul, MN as a Conservation Specialist with Monarch Watch.’l-monarch-conference


June 25-26: Ina Warren assisted with Monarch Teacher Network training, Loudoun Co., VA.


January 3:  Ina Warren published 200 copies of "MONARCH AND MILKWEED ALMANAC"



Sept 18, 2011:  Ina Warren presented "Bring Back the Monarchs" fall migration program at the Cradle of Forestry and was featured in the National Forest Service News from the Chief. 



July 27-31, 2010  Ina Warren presented 2 monarch workshops- Western Carolina University Native Plants Conference; Keynote provided by Dr Peter Raven, Missouri Botanical Gardens, just returning from ecotourism trip to Angangueo, Michoacan, Mexico (post flood)



July, 2009: Ina Warren presented sessions on monarch migration at WCU Native Plants Conference


March 3-8:  Ina Warren: Educator Ecotourism trip to monarchs' overwintering sites in Michoacan, Mexico; met with Bety Solis and Eligio Garcia Serrano



Sept. 26:  Ina Warren presented to the faculty noon seminar at WCU on monarch migration


Sept. 21: Ina Warren presented "Where There's A Will, There's A Way" at the Highlands Native Plant Conference in Highlands, NC; sponsored by the Highlands Biological Station


August 7-8:  Ina Warren assisted with the Monarch Teacher Network workshop in Woodville, VA;

(happily attended the GIPSY KINGS international tour at Wolftrap on 8/8/08 with colleagues!)



October 29-Novemer 4: Educator trip to monarchs' overwintering sites in Morelia, Angangueo Michoacan, and Patzcuaro, Mexico, Mexico with US Fish and Wildlife Service and Michoacan Reforestation Fund Board of Directors as the east coast MRF representative. (MRF is no longer incorporated. Two non profit entities emerged: La Cruz Habitat and Monarch Butterfly Fund) 



Ecotourism trip to Mexico's monarch reserves with Monarchs Across Georgia

Major Monarch Migration Festival planned and executed in Transylvania County, NC, including extensive programs in the County schools, including tagging trips with civic groups



Ecotourism trip with educator group with Dr Bill Calvert










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